Research Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
2023 & in press
Sato, T., Inman, J., Politowicz, M., Chancey, E. T., & Yamani, Y. (2023). Human-autonomy trust in the context of advanced air mobility operations: A pliot survey study. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2023 Annual Meeting.
Sato, T., Inman, J., Politowicz, M. S., & Yamani, Y. A meta-analytic approach to investigating the relationship between trust and attention allocation. (2023). Proceedings ofthe Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2023 Annual Meeting.
Gyles, S., McCarley. J. S., & Yamani, Y. (2023). A cognitive monitoring task produces a minimal vigilance decrement. Presented at AHFE 2023 Conference.
Yamani, Y., Sato, T., & Inman, J. (2023). Attentional limits and advanced air mobility ecosystem: A model of attention allocation, trust, and system performance. Presented at AHFE 2023 Conference.
An, S., Yahoodik, S. E., Petkac, S., Yamani, Y., & Itoh, M. (accepted). Utilitarian ethical decision by drivers when facing trolley problem under time pressure. Proceedings of the 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.
Sato, T., Politowicz, M. S., Islam, S., Chancey, E. T., & Yamani, Y. (2022). Attentional considerations in multi-vehicle operations: Control, manage, or monitor? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2022 Annual Meeting, 28-32.
Politowicz, M. S., Sato, T., Chancey, E. T., & Yamani, Y. (2022). Pathfinder networks for measuring operator mental model structure with a simple autopilot system. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2022 Annual Meeting, 883-887.
Glassman, J. E., Politowicz, M. S., & Yamani, Y. (2022). Transfer and retention: A systematic exploration of the effect of a driver attention training program. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2022 Annual Meeting, 973-976.
Gyles, S., McCarley, J. S., & Yamani, Y. (2022). Mechanisms of vigilance loss in an online task: A generative modeling approach. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2022 Annual Meeting.
Yamani, Y. (2021). Roles of attention and trust in human-technology interaction. Department of Industrial, Mechanical, and Systems Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Gyles, S. Yamani, Y., & McCarley, J. S. (2021, February 11–12). A hierarchical Bayesian analysis of psychometric curve changes in a vigilance task: An online replication. Paper presented at the Australasian Mathematical Psychology Conference.
McCarley, J.S., Yamani, Y., & Gyles, S. (2021). Comparing measures of sensitivity for vigilance tasks: Bayesian-estimated and loglinear-corrected measures outperform A’. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2021 Annual Meeting.
Yahoodik, S., Samuel, S, & Yamani, Y. (2021). Ethical decision making under time pressure: An online study. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2021 Annual Meeting.
Gyles, S., McCarley, J.S., & Yamani, Y. (2021). Psychometric curves reveal changes in bias and attentional lapses in an online vigilance task. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2021 Annual Meeting. Awarded Student Research Grants from Perception and Performance Technical Group, HFES, 2021
Kumar, M., Delaney, C., Yamani, Y., & Krusienski, D. J. (2021). Characterization of affective states in virtual reality environments using EEG. IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics.
Yahoodik, S., Tahmi, H., Unverricht, J., Yamani, Y., Handley, H., & Thompson, D. (2020). Blink rate as a measure of driver workload during simulated driving. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting.
Yahoodik, S., & Yamani, Y. (2020). Attentional control in young drivers: Does training impact hazard anticipation in dynamic environments? Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting.
Long, S., Sato, T., Millner, N., Mirabelli, J., Loranger, R., & Yamani, Y. (2020). Empirically and theoretically driven scales on automation trust: A multi-level confirmatory factor analysis. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting.
McCarley, J. S. & Yamani, Y. (2020). Psychometric curves reveal three mechanisms of vigilance decrement. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting.
Itoh, M. & Yamani, Y. (2020). Trust, relief, and safety. The Oukan conference, Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology (traFST), the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan.
Hatfield, N., Yamani, Y., Palmer, D. B., Yahoodik, S., Vasquez, V., Horrey, W. J., & Samuel, S. (2019). An analysis of visual scanning patterns comparing drivers of simulated L2 and L0 systems. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Yahoodik, S., Yamani, Y., Hatfield, N., & Samuel, S. (2019). Effects of inaccurate gaze behavior video and risk awareness and perception training on hazard anticipation with young drivers. Proceedings of the 10th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Yamani, Y. (2019). Examining human-automation interaction using simulation and analytic techniques. Department of Psychology, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester. New York.
Unverricht, J., Yahoodik, S., & Yamani, Y. (2019) Improved in-vehicle task performance in trained young drivers. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2019 Annual Meeting.
Krusienski, D., Tremmel, C., Herff, C., Rechowicz, K., & Yamani, Y. (2019). Estimating cognitive workload in a virtual reality environment using EEG. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).
Yamani, Y. (2019). Human-automation interaction and trust: Analytic and simulation approach. Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax. Virginia.
Unverricht, J., Samuel, S., & Yamani, Y. (2018). Hazard anticipation in young drivers: A review and meta-analysis of training studies. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Unverricht, J., Yamani, Y., & Horrey, W. J. (2018). Calibration in older and middle-aged drivers and its relationship with glancing behavior at complex intersections. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Zinn, C., Yamani, Y., Houpt, J., & Scott-Sharoni, S. (2018). Assessment function analysis of human-automation team performance: A reanalysis of data from Yamani and McCarley (2018). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Lee, J., Yamani, Y., & Itoh, M. (2018). Revisiting trust in machines: Examining human-machine trust using a reprogrammed pasteurizer task. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Tremmel, C., Herff, C., Yamani, Y., Garcia, H., Lesaja, S., Diallo, S., Rechowicz, K., & Krusienski, D. J. (2018). N-back to the future: Estimating cognitive workload in a virtual reality environment using EEG signals. Proceedings of the 7th International BCI meeting. Pacific Grove, CA.
Muttart, J. W., Bartlett, W., Peck, L. R., Zafian, T., Yamani, Y., et al. (2017). Motorcyclists' behaviors at unsignalized intersections - Time to put our foot down. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C., January.
Yamani, Y., Bicaksiz, P., Cronauer, J. M., Palmer, D. B., & Samuel, S. (2017). Following expert’s eyes: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a gaze-based training intervention on young drivers’ latent hazard anticipation skills. Proceedings of the 9th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.
Bicaksiz, P., Palmer, D., Yamani, Y., & Samuel, S. (2017). Sequential in-vehicle glance distributions and effectiveness of an integrative training program on attention maintenance performance for young novice drivers. Proceedings of the 9th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.
Zhang, T., Valluru, K., Zafian, T., Yamani, Y, & Samuel, S. (2017). Effectiveness of training interventions on the hazard anticipation for drivers with differences in sensation seeking behavior. Proceedings of the 9th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.
Dundar, C.*, Bicaksiz, P.*, & Yamani, Y. (accepted, withdrawn). (* denotes equal contribution). Impact of information bandwidth of in-vehicle technologies on young drivers’ attention maintenance performance: A driving simulator study. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting.
Chancey, E. T., Yamani, Y., Brill, J. C., & Bliss, J. P. (2017). Effects of alarm system error bias and reliability on performance measures in a multi-tasking environment: Are false alarms really worse than misses? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting.
Yamani, Y. (2017). Hazard anticipation in older drivers: Development and effectiveness of a training program. Automotive Human Factors Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan.
Yamani, Y. (2017). Workload capacity: Analysis of performance efficiency of cognitive systems. Department of Psychology, Cognitive Brownbag Seminar, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Yamani, Y. (2017). Workload capacity: Characterizing the performance efficiency of cognitive system and teams. Department of Psychology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.
Yamani, Y., Samuel, S., Gerardino, L.R., & Fisher, D.L. (2016). Extending analysis of older drivers’ scanning patterns at intersections. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C., January.
Yamani, Y., & Horrey, W.J. (2016). A novel framework for understanding attention allocation and system performance in human-automation interaction. Presented at the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Anaheim, CA., May.
Karpinsky, N., Chancey, E. T., & Yamani, Y. (2016). Trust and attention in flight simulation with imperfect signaling system. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Anaheim, CA., May.
Takao, S., Ariga, A., & Yamani, Y. (2016). Do you trust one’s gaze? Commonalities and differences in gaze cueing effect between American and Japanese. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design, HCI International 2016, 120-129. Toronto, Canada, July.
Morley, C. D., Yamani, Y., & McCarley, J.S. (2016). Operators’ dependency on decision aids with different levels of automation in a speeded judgment task. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, FL, July.
Karpinsky, N., Chancey, E. T., & Yamani, Y. (2016). Modeling relationships between workload, Trust, and visual scanning in an automated flight task using a mediation analysis. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1549-1553. Washington, DC, September.
Takahashi, M., Yamani, Y., Dundar, C., & Fisher, D. L. (2015). Evaluating effectiveness of partitioning complex visual displays on glancing behavior inside of vehicle. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. (No. 15-2908).
Ariga, A., Yamani, Y., Yamada, Y., & McCarley, J.S. (2015). Familiarity driven by manual interaction modulates search efficiency for real-world objects. (Nichijo buttai no sousasei ni yoru tansakuhitaisyousei – in Japanese) Proceedings of the 13th Annual Convention of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. Tokyo, Japan, July.
Samuel, S., Yamani, Y., Gerardino, L. R., Zafian, T., & Fisher, D. L. (2015). Older driver safety at intersections: understanding scanning patterns. Poster presented at Older Driver Safety Summit: Planning a safe and mobile future. Boston, MA.
Morley, C.D., Yamani, Y., & McCarley, J.S. (2015). Workload capacity analysis of human-automation interaction in a visual search task. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Los Angeles, CA, October.
Yamani, Y., Samuel, S., Gerardino, L. R., Zafian, T., & Fisher, D. L. (2015). Navigating intersections: Examining age-related differences in occulomotor behavior on a driving simulator. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1636-1640. Los Angeles, CA, October.
Yamani, Y. (2014). Workload capacity: Characterizing the efficiency of cognitive systems and teams. Presented at the Society of Instrument and Control Engineering, System and Information Division, Technical Committee on Human-Machine Systems, Tsukuba, Japan.
Yamani, Y. (2014). Examining the relationship between psychomotor coordination and oculomotor patterns at intersections for older drivers. (2014). Presented at a meeting in Harvard University School of Public Health, January.
Yamani, Y. (2014). Attention and capacity: Humans and human-machine systems. Presented at a meeting of Old Dominion University Human Factors Program.
Yamani, Y. (2014). Age-related differences in vehicle control and visual scanning patterns at intersections for older drivers. Presented at a meeting of Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, MA.
Yamani, Y., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D. L. (2014). Simulator evaluation of an integrated road safety training program. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1904-1908. Chicago, IL: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Yamani, Y., Chin, J., Meyers, E. A. G., Gao, X., & Morrow, D.G., Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Conner-Garcia, T., Graumlich, J. F., & Murray, M. D. (2012). Reading engagement offsets declines in processing capacity for health literacy. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 916-920. Boston, MA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Yamani, Y. (2012). Reading engagement offsets declines in processing capacity for health literacy. Presented at Symposium Initiative on Aging and Communication Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October.
Yamani, Y. (2012). Visual attention: Capacity limits, cognitive aging, and implications for display design. Presented at a meeting of Georgia Institute of Technology, Engineering Psychology Program.
Yamani, Y. (2011). Visual processing remains parallel under high competition for selection. (2011). Presented at Department of Psychology, Visual Cognition and Human Performance division brown bag seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April.
Steelman-Allen, K.S., Talleur, D., Carbonari, R., Yamani, Y., McCarley, J.S., & Nunes, A. (2010). Effects of data link display format and position on flight performance. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Francisco, CA, September.
Yamani, Y., McCarley, J.S., & McDonagh, D. (2010). Transgenerational communication through affective imagery in mood boards. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1762-1765. San Francisco, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Yamani, Y. (2010). Visual search asymmetries in cluttered displays: Implications for design of symbology. Presented at Department of Psychology, Visual Cognition and Human Performance division brown bag seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December.